
Oxidation is the term used to describe the combination of a substance with oxygen. As soon as wood or another carbonaceous material burns, CO2 – carbon dioxide is produced via oxidation. The human body also oxidizes food to CO2 and water via several stages.

Unpleasant oxidations, on the other hand, occur when aggressive oxygen compounds – so-called free radicals – begin to burn proteins or functional fats in the cells. The cell comes under stress because it has to expend a lot of energy to protect itself. If the stress continues, the cell and its DNA are damaged.

Antioxidants help the cell to catch free radicals and prevent them from oxidizing with proteins. Mostly the body helps itself with enzymes. For their production, however, it needs trace elements such as selenium, copper and zinc. The oxidative stress of the cell can also be countered by taking vitamin C or vitamin E.