Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a gel obtained from aloe vera, a delicate succulent plant. Common to all succulents is their ability to store a great deal of moisture (lat. sucus) in their leaves so that they can survive even in regions with little water.

To obtain the richest possible gel, the aloe plants are harvested at the peak of their maturity. The leaves are freed from the hard outer layer, then the bitter cell sap is drained off. What remains are the "fillets": a moist tissue rich in different sugars, various amino acids and enzymes. No wonder then, aloe vera has long been regarded as a medicinal plant.

The gel obtained moisturizes, purifies and soothes the skin. In addition to its antibacterial effect, it also stimulates wound healing: according to a study, the plant boosts cell growth in the healing granulation tissue sevenfold